Monday, April 13, 2009

my wee little telenovela-names have been changed to protect the privacy of the players.

It's April-joy. It's raining and dreary and cold outside. But's just starting to get interesting!
My roommate; we'll call her Auriel, has been living with me for almost 2 months. She has had, what i thought was her boyfriend, we'll call him Alan, since she moved in. I mean he's stayed over and what not-I didn't really question anything. Besides there's a bit of a language barrier and who wants to get into the nitty gritty early on. I mean, I like Alan so I had no problemo with him being around.
A week ago though-no we should probably go back to the Spanish Dinner night. The Spaniards planned a nice Spanish dinner, with the Spanish Omelette and Meatballs, and some sort of peasant salad. It was very tasty! ANd there were about 7 spaniards there. Lot's of espanol flying around the room. Well, it's at this dinner party I hear the first whisper of Auriel's boyfriend coming to visit soon.
In my head "boyfriend?...?...!" "WTF?"
Alan's roommate who was here for the dinner was telling Alan to "not sweat it." He had met his current girlfriend in a similar situation and they were still together.
Well I kinda thought I had heard things wrong. Ok, maybe I didn't really think that-but I was hoping.
My hope was a lost cause.
2 weeks later arrives Auriel's boyfriend...from Spain. I didn't actually meet him until his 2nd or 3rd day here because I spent some time with Alan and his friends and then had to work, etc. etc.....ok I may have been avoiding it a little. I mean I'm kind of partial to Alan and was feeling bad that he was having to deal with this. Alan, though, was feeling bad for Auriel because he said it had to be even worse for her! I think he's pretty smitten!
Well I'm feeling a bit weird-cause well, i know what's going on. And Auriel and her boyfriend are so different than Auriel and Alan...but that's not it. Then there was The Question.
"Is she being a good girl?"
In my head "well, define good."
I mean what am I supposed to do/say? I knew this was coming and knew I was dreading having to lie-cause let's just be honest, I can't hide things like I used to.
In my head "thank God we're all drinking!"
i say, laughingly, "Of course!" (inside my head-God don't hate me)!
Yes, I lied. But you know Alan probably would have said she was being a good girl! (and you can take whatever kind of meaning you want from that-I'm sure all apply!)
Part of me thinks he knows-or at least suspects. I'm not sure. But he doesn't respond well to hearing Alan's name-there's no language barrier in that one. It's all polite on the surface but there's an underlying...something that is not completely friendly.
With one more week of this Triangle playing out in front of my very own eyes-and bedroom door-who knows what could happen!