Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Year in the life...

A marker of sorts.  A year ago I got my new ACL.  I say that like it's a new car-but really it sucked.  However, a year later I'm almost back to normal.  Not quite where i would've thought-but I'm trying to not be picky. 
I'm looking at a possible advancement in my professional life.  A more rewarding personal life-as far as the social aspect.  There are still kinks to work out in the system. 
But all in all-it's not bad.
Car problems-but as inconvenient and unfortunate that that is.  I can't really complain about it-my poor car has over 100,000 miles on it.  And minus the car accidents, I haven't had any major work done on it.  And as much as I stress over how am I going to figure this one out-I look back on the last year and say-I never thought I could do this on my own. With no family in the area, a limited circle of friends.  But I did.  So I know that I'll figure this one out as well.  I just have to understand and accept that the end result may not be what I really want but what I have to do.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where's my cowboy?

I must admit, I'm a sucker for a good love story.  Well, who isn't really?  I guess there are some.  It's not that I have expectations-I much more pragmatic and realistic-but deep down, when it comes to observing other people, I'm a hopeless, mushy romantic soul. 

At my last store over a year ago now, we were having an author come to do a signing.  We hadn't really heard of her at our store until her uber dedicated fans started calling and asking all about the event weeks before the scheduled date.  And they were so excited and beside themselves that I just had to know what crazy wonderfulness I was so ignorant of up to this point. I mean, she was a cookbook author-and I love me some cookbooks and cooking and cookware and cooking utensils and cooking appliances, and I think we all get the idea.  And this is when I realized that life was utterly unfair.  This author was living a dream that most women would give anything to have. Besides being this successful blogger, cookbook author, website builder wonder woman-she also had the perfect cowboy husband.  A real life cowboy. A cowboy.  It may be a cliche, but down deep inside of everyone of us straight women and some gay, is the cowboy fantasy.  A gentleman.  A person with values and roots and chivalry.  The stetson, the wranglers, the horse-it's there somewhere-however irrational for those of us who live in cities where the only horses pull tourist along a paved concrete road in a carriage. 
The woman who is living the dream for us all so we can live vicariously through her.
The Pioneer Woman. 
And now-NOW-she has a non-cookbook out with her and her Marlboro Man's love story!  Which most of us who have visited her site have read a lot-but she's added new stuff into the courtship and then she's added their first year of marriage!  And I thought I would just skim along, refresh myself and get to the marriage part quickly, but it was not to be-I am sucked into this real life romance novel like I didn't read almost all of it over 3 nights before she came to my store over a year ago.  And I cannot stop!  Well, i can for as long as it takes to type this little post and let my nook charge up a little.
I never took myself for this mushy romantic girly girl.  I was always one of the guys. Tough, willing to get dirty, a little compartamentalized (if that's how that's spelled); but this book has turned me into a teenage girl with stars in her eyes, wishing she grew up in the middle of nowhere with hot cowboys (because I'm sure all the real ones are actually hot...) and could admire thei physique in wranglers and chaps.
I've said that I don't see myself getting married; and now I know that's probably truer; because I've yet to see a real cowboy in Chicago and I don't think I could even contemplate the thought of marriage unless it was to a cowboy. 
Check out http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/
It's absolutely awesome.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm trying not to be angry.

Yesterday Congresswoman Giffords of Arizona was attacked.  In that attack 6 people died and 14 more were injured.  A congresswoman trying to reach out to her constituents, to listen to them, and meet them and talk to them at a local grocery store, was gunned down by a deranged individual. 
It's sad and tragic.  But I find myself trying not to be angry.  Anger is not the best emotion to carry with you.  But I just want to scream at people who still don't want to talk about sensible gun laws and enforcement.  It's not the gun it's the person holding it.  Well you know what-maybe it shouldn't be so flippin easy to get a gun!!!
To get a driver's license you have to take classes, get in car training, and then pass a test.  To get a gun, maybe a three day waiting period/background check.  And in Arizona you don't have to have a permit to conceal and carry. Shouldn't it be harder than this?  You have to be 18 to by cold medicine now, and Big Brother watched how much you buy, but to get a gun, you can walk into any gunshow and walk out with whatever you see and like. These are dangerous weapons.  I get the 2nd ammendment.  But you know what-we don't have a standing militia anymore, and we're not "living off the land" in most places anymore.  And if you are a hunter, quite frankly you should be forced to eat what you kill, because otherwise you're wasting a life.  Wasting a life!  This isn't a video game, there are no other lives after that one. And humans aren't the end all species here.  God is.  And every creature is God's creature.
It just should not be this easy for something like this to happen.  It shouldn't.  And you know what,  I'll sacrifice the 2nd ammendment so that practicing the first is safe!  Get up there and spit out all the disgusting, ignorant, stupid statements you want-I won't shoot you for it.  I may yell back, but at least we can do that without worrying that one of us will be dead at the end.
So, I'm trying not to get angry, but it's hard.