So, now that I have a bed, chronicles from the floor can't really happen. A new witty name for the scrawlings of my random boring life in Chicago. I'll have to figure that out. But I am trying to slow down a bit, enjoy things, enjoy life.
Chicago has the parade of lights the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and last year I went and I was freezing and was so far down Michigan Ave-I couldnt' see anything. This year the weather was great, and technically we were in a good spot-but it was so flippin crowded that even on my tippy toes, I couldn't quite see a whole lot. But there were a couple balloons, and there were a couple higher floats, and there were pine twigs in the big blocks that hold the bushes. And yes, I took one of those branches, that smelled so gloriously of pine trees/christmas trees/nature. It now adorns the fire place and pine permeates the air. It's such a glorious smell. I love it.
Which leads me to my present predicament. Where to buy my Christmas Tree? I'm a little afraid of these city lots with the trees brought in from who knows where. I mean, I like to know that when you go to the lot, the tree was cut down from the field next to the lot the day before. These trees are from somewhere far away, are possibly already so dried out that there's no salvaging them. Clearly research or a roadtrip is needed. Because I don't want a dead tree come Christmas morning. I'm sure that's some sort of bad omen. It's a dilemma. I could go into Ohio-Toledo-one of the several farms around my parents house, I'm sure sells Christmas trees. Or do I road trip it up north and see something I haven't seen before and find a farm. It's more rural in Wisconsin right? They have farms? Or hills? Are there any hills between here and the Rocky Mountains? Yes this will take some homework-I don't want a crappy tree.
Oh and by the way-I'm on chapter 35 of Pioneer Woman's Love story with Marlboro Man-it's great! They just got engaged!
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