Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Year in the life...

A marker of sorts.  A year ago I got my new ACL.  I say that like it's a new car-but really it sucked.  However, a year later I'm almost back to normal.  Not quite where i would've thought-but I'm trying to not be picky. 
I'm looking at a possible advancement in my professional life.  A more rewarding personal life-as far as the social aspect.  There are still kinks to work out in the system. 
But all in all-it's not bad.
Car problems-but as inconvenient and unfortunate that that is.  I can't really complain about it-my poor car has over 100,000 miles on it.  And minus the car accidents, I haven't had any major work done on it.  And as much as I stress over how am I going to figure this one out-I look back on the last year and say-I never thought I could do this on my own. With no family in the area, a limited circle of friends.  But I did.  So I know that I'll figure this one out as well.  I just have to understand and accept that the end result may not be what I really want but what I have to do.