Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving eve

Do I or don't I??? There's a parade-there will be floats and people and merriness. And it will be early-but it is thanksgiving....
Do I need to experiece this? Well, i think I must! I'm in Chicago and there's a parade and it's going to be warm-ish.

It's T-day eve and I'm chilling with my Christmas music and Amaretto Sours. yummy in the tummy-prepping for tomorrow.

What am i thankful for you ask? Well you didn't but I'll make believe you did.
well, that I have a job. In this economy beggars cannot be choosers-so I'm pretty grateful for that-no matter how much my boss drives me nuts.
I have friends in town now. Yes, some moved off to the west coast-and everyone thought-what will dena jo do? but i have a couple friends of my own.
my family is mostly healthy and well.
i have a roof over my head
my car still works
it hasn't snowed yet
michael buble is no longer dating that model chic
we have a fantastic new president!!!
my chicken in the oven smells good
my facebook friend count is growing
i'm fairly healthy and happy
so not so bad here in Chi-town.

This may be the season to remind everyone what we do have-and not focus on what we do not. Like sales-i work in retail-and money is tight-so now i just want to be grateful that I have customers coming into the store at all. And just trying to keep them happy since they're spending what little money that have at my establishment.

It's a little harder to be away from the family this holiday season. With grandma p. passing away, and not being home for the holidays last year. I am feeling a twinge of homesickness-which doesn't happen often with me. But it's there a little this year. i am looking forward to the family vacation in September. Tennessee and mountains-I cannot wait.

I did see a woman wearing a medical mask in her car today-that was a little odd. It gave me a welcome chuckle though.

well those are the ramblings on thanksgiving eve.

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