Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Waiting Game

I hate waiting. Patience was never my virtue. Loyalty I think is-which helps with the patience. But I'm still twiddling my thumbs a lot and tapping toes, waiting waiting waiting.

Waiting for???
Well, that's an excellent question. Waiting for the lightbulb to go on. To be out of debt. To get promoted. For the other shoe to drop. For Mr. Right to walk in the door. To be appreciated.
For my life to figure itself out. Whatevs.

I'm betting we never truly "figure it out" anyways. Whatevs. It's all about the people-the relationships you have. The people you and the impressions you leave on them. Hopefully a positive one. I mean that's really all I want to do with life. I just want leave a positive impact on the people around me. Now if I could just remember that in my weaker moments/days.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I know how you feel, believe me. Life is about the people we share it with moreso than anything else.

Believe me, I appreciate you. I'm sure everything is going to fall into place.