Sunday, August 10, 2008

We are Barack!

Yesterday at work one of my ASM's said we're like the Barack Obama team-coming in to fix the store where we're at. I lved the analogy! Cause I love Barack!

Chicago is at times overwhelming-same with my store. There's so much that making a choice becomes muddled and difficult. I just want to volunteer somewhere and I have no idea where to turn because there's soooo much. And it's not the most important decision of my life-but the fact that I have choices instead of there just being only one place to go, is different.

My roommate called me yesterday at work because she was locked out. And she sounded kind of panicked. And I thought-funny-she spent years in the middle east, most recently in Baghdad, been in bombings and shootings, but panics when she is locked out of the house.

WTF Chicago Tribune? This new guy that's running the show is nuts. Forget about the quality of the paper-we just need to fire people and make more ad space. I hate money!

Speaking of crazy! The man getting killed outside of the Olympics and this Russia/Georgia battle...What's going on in the world right now? I mean come on world! What is all of this violence solving? I don't gt it.

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